Friday, November 5, 2010

What is the Biggest Event of the Week?

There has been very little mention of the biggest event of the week. The coverage of the election by the mindless media has mostly missed it. Wednesday the Federal Reserve announced it would begin immediately to monetize $600 BILLION of America's debt and leave the door open to do up to $400 BILLION more. As far as we know, and we may not know, this translates into somewhere between $1.5 and $2.5 TRILLION of new money that has been printed and pumped into the system since January of 2008! Add to that the fact that the economy is producing less jobs that the number required to keep up with population growth and the picture gets even more bleak. And, the people I talk to are mostly independent businesses and every one of them is underemployed or doing absolutely nothing. And, we hear nothing about the fact that the Real Estate market, in all sectors, has been collapsing for 4 years and the worst of the commercial crash is yet to come. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are going to have to be bailed out or collapse. Mortgage interest rates are the lowest in recorded history and the inventory of unsold and foreclosure properties is growing because qualified buyers don't exist. The agricultural sector is also in crisis. With near record high crop and livestock prices and record low interest rates, there are no profits. Why? Because inputs have been steadily going up for years. And that is with no inflation! Do you really believe the government reports? Wake up people! Go back and compare your grocery bills for the past 2 years. Now with the printing of all this money, that is worthless, inflation is about to go through the roof. No mention of that! Bernanke continues to say interest rates will stay low. And all this does not factor in any of the costs of Socialized Medicine that will come into play over the next 4 years. We may be on the brink of a bonafide collapse. And, no one is paying any attention! Unbelievable!

The Will of The New Congress

The question is, can the new congress find the will to do what has been mandated by WE THE PEOPLE? The only way for this to happen is if WE THE PEOPLE drive it to happen. Look closely at those remaining in both houses. Both sides are loaded with career entrenched politicians. As I wrote in my book, The Stimulus Tragedy, published April 1, 2009, "We cannot survive with America as it is and allow these relics to remain in office and continue to operate." Let's ask this question, "How many members of congress have been there since 1994?" What has the budget deficit done since then and what have those members done through 3 presidents and long periods of both parties in control? It has grown steadily worse. Millions of jobs have been shipped overseas and hundreds of thousands of jobs added to the federal government and the size of the bureaucracy has exploded. It is going to take at least 2 more elections to clean this mess up. And then it can only happen if WE THE PEOPLE keep the pressure on. Many Americans have not yet seen the light. John McCain, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Daniel Inouye and many more career entrenched politicians, were reelected. Lindsey Graham, Max Baucus and dozens more are still there. Until it changes, it can't change. End of story.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Will America Survive?

It is a question many Americans are asking. Will America Survive? Obviously, our great country is in free fall. The question is, how will America land? Will we land on our feet or on our back?

I recently read this paragraph -

"We have at the present time few really great figures in the political life of our country; our politicians are a petty lot. There is no Lincoln, no Webster, no Clay, Calhoun, or Jackson. Why? Because our present statesmen deal only with sordid and petty issues - questions of dollars and cents, of expediency and party success, of material prosperity without regard to the ethical right. Thinking along these lines does not call forth great souls. The statesmen of Lincoln's time and previous times dealt with questions of eternal truth, of human rights and justice. Men thought upon great themes; they thought great thoughts, and they became great men."

This quote is from a classic book "The Science of Being Great" by Wallace D. Wattles and was published in 1911.

I wonder what Mr. Wattles would think of this bunch we are burdened with now?

The hope for America landing on it's feet will come with the mid term elections this fall. If America has become awakened enough to vote out these career, entrenched politicians and replace them with statesmen, the country will land on it's feet. It is supremely important for every American eligible to vote to do his or her research, study the voting records of each candidate and then vote the record. If the candidate is a new face, then it is imperative that questions be answered before sending these people to represent WE THE PEOPLE. If these criteria are met, then support them at the polls and hold their nose to the blade for the term of service.

Some of these questions must be: Will you support and vote for repeal of Socialized Medicine? Will you vote to return to the general fund all stimulus funds not spent? Will you vote to freeze all government hiring until the budget is balanced? Will you vote to cut 10% annually from the budgets of all government agencies not involved in national security? Will you vote to rescind any bill or government agency that has outlived it's usefulness? Will you vote to take the necessary steps to secure the borders, effective immediately? Will you vote to return to the states all powers not granted the federal government by the constitution? Will you commit to a self imposed term limit and support term limits for all members of congress? Will you support and vote for the line item veto? Will you vote to continue the Bush tax cuts? Will you vote to remove all forms of inheritance tax? Will you vote to set aside all funds collected by workers and employers for Social Security and use them only for their designated purpose? Will you commit to no earmarks? Will you vote to expand, wherever possible, the responsible development of America's natural resources including timber, oil and mining? Will you work for and vote for legislation that will begin to resolve the pending water crisis in the country?

America must discipline itself to adopt these measures if we are to survive. You may say these are too much and cannot be done. It is not a matter of whether or not they can be done - if America is to survive they must be done. If the candidates you send to Washington do not have the heart or stomach for these measures, they will sink you and you can then get ready to live like Cubans. That's where you are headed!

This is what has to happen for America to survive the current level of incompetence in our federal government. It is serious business and every American had better wake up and take notice!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Socializing of America To Begin

This is the big week for socialism in America. Even with a large majority of WE THE PEOPLE opposing the socialized medicine bill, the career, entrenched politicians are going to pass this monstrosity sometime this weekend. In my book "The Stimulus Tragedy" I wrote that should this bill pass it will never be removed. Entitlement programs are impossible to get rid of once they are enacted. That is why I believe the socialized medicine bill is the most insidious legislation in world history. Cap and Trade will deeply wound America, but socialized medicine will destroy it. Cap and Trade can be amended, revised or rescinded. Socialized medicine will be here to stay. The only hope for America is that so much pressure has been put on the Democrats in the House that the votes to defeat this bill are in hiding until the actual vote takes place and that there are some Democrats that will, at the critical time, vote NO on this legislation. That should be the prayer and the hope of WE THE PEOPLE, especially the young, who will have to pay for it and live with it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Health Care Will Pass, Too Bad For You

December 15, 2009 I wrote two posts regarding the passage of the Socialized Medicine Bill (health care). Unfortunately, these fears are coming to pass. As written in The Stimulus Tragedy, this is all quite predictable and will continue as long as WE THE PEOPLE allow these career, entrenched politicians to remain in office. The Democrat controlled congress will pass a health care bill before November and will try to do it sooner, rather than later in hope that you, the voter, will forget about it before election day in November. What is even more disheartening is there are Republicans who will now vote for passage on the premise this bill is not "as bad" as the original. Unless WE THE PEOPLE hold these bought off, career, entrenched politicians feet to the fire, they will continue to buckle because they have no principles. Go back to The Stimulus Tragedy and reread about the importance of principles. Look at the increasing number of Republicans who voted for the new stimulus (jobs) bill today! These unprincipled, career, entrenched politicians are weakening, and fast. Sadly, many of these will vote ideology over the will of WE THE PEOPLE even if it costs them their jobs. Remember, these people believe they are much smarter than you. The President has called WE THE PEOPLE "the masses". Certainly a politician is smarter than "the masses". Right?

Who Voted for the Jobs Bill?

Last week the so called "conservatives" were ready to elect Scott Brown as President. Today he votes for the new stimulus (jobs) bill. WE THE PEOPLE must pay attention and be diligent. This outcome was inevitable! Scott Brown is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Nothing like a constitutional conservative is going to come out of Massachusetts. Anyone with any common sense knows that. It proves the need for diligence and in order to know what these people are we must look at how they vote and where they come from - where are their roots? This situation is no different than electing the most liberal Senator to the Presidency - we get a liberal President. For America to survive, this idiocy must stop. Intelligent people must begin to make intelligent decisions. WE THE PEOPLE must wake up!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Anniversary Date!

Today the Stimulus Bill is one year old! That means it was one year ago today that I was so incensed that the book The Stimulus Tragedy was born. Sadly, many of the obvious results of this legislation, as written in The Stimulus Tragedy, have been proven to be right on the mark. It only gets worse from here. Over the next 8 months, hundreds of millions of dollars will be poured into political districts needing help to elect Democrats in the midterms and to advertise, fund and manipulate the census. This money will come from the stimulus money not yet spent. It will be loaded with corruption and political favors as necessary to reelect these career, entrenched politicians. We thought 2009 was an interesting year - I predict 2010 will be the most politically corrupt year in American history!